Under Heavenly Protection

My niece, that is.  She's a walking, talking, singing, dancing miracle.  Her very existence is proof that we have a living God. 

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams" (Ephesians 3:20 - Message)

Born at 26 weeks, she came charging into this world with the same sense of urgency with which she now approaches most things in life - be it building towers, creating her own cooking show, visiting Miss Diane at her favorite bakery, skyping with friends and relatives, reading books, praying, telling you how much she loves you or how "delightful" your idea sounds, or riding the school bus.

That silver "hoop" she's clinging to is her daddy's wedding band.  She was so tiny, her entire arm fit in its center.
1 pound, 11 oz.  This photo makes me cry in wonder at our God every single time.

For the first four months of her life, Cadence lived in Hawaii and we were unable to visit.  I wish I could sum up in words how difficult that was for all of us, but thankfully my sister was diligent about keeping us all updated through her blog.

I will never forget the day she landed in Portland.  Truly one of the happiest days of my life.

I still don't get to see this little miracle nearly half as often as I would like, but I try to make the most of every visit.  We even have a signature pose:
December 2007
February 2008
August 2008
August 2008
December 2008
June 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Happy 4th Birthday, sweet niece of mine.  I adore you.


Papa Noah said…
thanks for making me cry
Carol J. Brown said…
What a touching tribute. Happy birthday, Cadence.
Vanessa's Dad said…
Cadence is blessed to have the best Auntie's ever. Thanks for being such a wonderful Auntie Natalie.